CIS 8110 Team Project

Team Members

Vamsi Nath

Ted Hansen

Saumya Fonseka

Xia Wang

Omer Tanyildiz

Company: Avienda Technologies

Application: Bug Tracker and Project Request System

Avienda Technologies is a pre-IPO software company focused on the development of rich-media, web-based email services. Like most software companies, they have a need for a system that will allow them to track bugs in their software, as well as an interface for other departments to suggest future enhancements to the current product. This is especially critical in the environment, where conditions are rapidly changing, which requires developers to work on multiple projects simultaneously.

The application we envision for this company would serve primarily as a bridge between the Quality Assurance team (QA) and the programmers, allowing both departments to efficiently exchange information in order to meet the hectic product deadlines. QA will be able to submit bug reports to the development team and the developers can update QA on their progress in fixing those bugs. In addition, other departments as well as QA can make requests for future projects and software enhancements through the system.

The application would be a typical web-based, ‘3-tiered’ system, with the interfaces driven by ASP technology and communicating with a back-end Access database. The application will rely on a security model, where each user is given a unique login and password that identifies them at all times within the system. This model will also differentiate between QA members and the developers, allowing for a certain level of granularity in the functions available to individual departments. For instance, project managers will be able to view all existing bugs and project requests and assign them to individual developers as they see fit. Individual developers will be able to see which projects and bugs have been assigned to them and update their progress as they go along, keeping QA apprised of their actions. This interaction will serve to expedite communication between the two departments in an effort to ensure the highest quality software.

There will also be a fairly extensive reporting system that will allow managers to view the current status of the existing bugs and project requests. You will be able to run reports based on type, date submitted, OS and hardware affected as well as other criteria that will be customizable. Auto-email features will also be integrated into the application to alert both developers and QA personnel when significant updates are made.

This application should make it easier for Avienda to manage the full life-cycle development process of any future software application.